
Showing posts from February, 2019


Here are the final versions of the health proposals you wrote during the exam period. As the course moves forward, I keep getting fewer writings! I would like you not to give up the hard work. Continuous learning is key to success so keep it up! Do not lose your enthusiasm and go on loving what you are doing at school!


February is the second month of the year and also the shortest! with 28 days in common years and 29 days in leap years. At school it is also a time to look back and reconsider learning habits. After having been through exams, my next class is going to be devoted to revision, checking and moving forward! We will be dealing with exam results, trying to figure out why the reading comprehension test has been so hard this time when it is likely to be the easiest task of the exam. We will also try the listening comprehension task again, with the script this time, to come up with difficult vocabulary and we will also be dealing with one of the most relevant issues in the oral exam: subject - verb agreement . Most of my students seemed to have problems with singular or plural forms. To revise those, we are going to use a great quiz a colleague from Asturias has designed for English learners. I'm sure you will have no doubts at all after completing the quiz, or... will you?

Sharing is caring... so, let´s care!