
Showing posts from March, 2020


I hope you have all had a look at the mediation tasks on the food waste effect that I published a few days ago. They were the starting point for the proposal samples that are now coming up. Read them through and have a look at how to organize proposals in an effective way. Proposals always describe a situation (in this case, the situation is that the wholesaler company that you work for is wasting a lot of food) and try to persuade the reader to make the necessary changes to get over it (in this case, the main goal is to reduce food waste). As you can see in the samples below, you should use headings, and have an intro and a conclusion. I hope all these tasks help you out!


Hi everybody, As you all know, schools have been locked down. Most of us are now confined at home trying to cope with everyday routine and sticking to healthy regular habits. Experts argue a healthy lifestyle will helps us meet the challenge. I am hopeful that this period finishes as soon as possible so that we can meet each other in person again soon. Meanwhile, let's keep up the good work online as long as the coronavirus crisis lasts. Main goal: virtual learning! So, here is my little contribution to your quarantine as we need to keep our minds busy. Classes will relatively go on, as usual, following this plan: Every day there should be a class I will be sending you a lesson plan, with exercises and tools to implement revision on the units we have been teaching. You should follow the instructions, open the links, do the activities and complete the final task that you have to send after every class. All lesson plans will also be posted here . There is no doubt that y...


We have been working on strategies to come up with nice pieces of writing, mainly focusing on how to relay information from infographics. My C1 students have definitely been working hard to bring their compositions up to scratch. After also checking vocabulary on consumerism and shopping, here are their final summaries synthesizing the key aspects of the pie chart below. Measures to be taken to cut down on food waste is the next step. These summaries will be the starting point for the proposal pieces coming over! Stay tuned!

Sharing is caring... so, let´s care!