
Showing posts from November, 2018


I just love it when my students work in teams and the resulting work is as amazing as the padlet board below. We have been discussing a huge mass tourism project a real estator is planning to develop on Granville Island, a tropical paradise in the Caribbean. Local authorities held a real meeting... in class and we performed different roles to try and reach an agreement on whether the whacking seaside resort should be developed, which also helped us revise modal verbs. Anyone asking for more!?


Hi guys! I'm really excited to present you with the first "exam-like" task my C1 students have been working on. As you all know from previous entries, they have been working hard. The process has been tedious and quite slow but it was really worth it. Having written a draft version first, they shared it on google drive for me to check and correct.Now you can all have a look at the result below. Isn't it great? My students can definitely write a formal letter of application!!


We have just finished Unit 1 in class and my students are getting ready for their first "exam-like" written assignment. I have asked them to do the task in two different steps. They have first written a draft version of an application letter that I marked on paper. My comments and suggestions (I tried hard not to make any corrections at all, even though it was tough at times!) were the starting point for them to write a final version on google drive.Sharing is caring! So I'm trying to teach my students to care for their mates by sharing most of their work with them. My main purpose is for them to learn a lot from each other! Having marked most of their letters, I have just noticed some major problems that I would like them to consider carefully. This presentation below, together with the links it provides, is targeted at enhancing mostly the coherence and cohesion of their texts by giving some sound tips on punctuation, paragraphing and register.  Let's see...

Sharing is caring... so, let´s care!